• 認識台灣歷史 = A history of Taiwan in comics : 鄭氏集團的興衰, 又名, <<漫畫台灣史>>增訂; the rise and fall of the Jheng Regime. 3; 3. 鄭家時代; The Koxinga period
  • Record Type: Language materials, printed : monographic
    [NT 15002299]: 3
    Paralel Title: A history of Taiwan in comics
    Title Information: 鄭氏集團的興衰, 又名, <<漫畫台灣史>>增訂
    Author: 許豐明,
    Secondary Intellectual Responsibility: 耿柏瑞,
    Secondary Intellectual Responsibility: 陳志偉,
    Secondary Intellectual Responsibility: 朱鴻琦,
    Place of Publication: 臺北市
    Published: 農學總經銷; 新自然主義出版;
    Year of Publication: 2004[民93]
    Edition: 初版
    Description: 185面彩圖,表格 : 20x21公分;
    Subject: 臺灣 - 歷史 -
    Notes: 中英對照
    ISBN: 957-696-582-9
  • 1 records • Pages 1 •
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  • 1 records • Pages 1 •
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