語系/ Language: 繁體中文

Pharmacology & physiology in anesthe...
Hillier, Simon.


  • Pharmacology & physiology in anesthetic practice
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-語言資料,印刷品 : 單行本
    劃一題名: Pharmacology and physiology in anesthetic practice.
    合作者: Stoelting, Robert K.
    合作者: Hillier, Simon.
    出版地: Philadelphia
    出版者: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins;
    出版年: c2006.
    版本: 4th ed.
    面頁冊數: iv, 903 p.col. ill. : 29 cm.;
    標題: Physiology. -
    標題: Anesthesiology - Physiological effect -
    標題: Anesthetics - pharmacology. -
    附註: Rev. ed. of: Pharmacology and physiology in anesthetic practice / Robert K. Stoelting. 3rd ed. c1999.
    ISBN: 0781754690
    內容註: Insulin and oral hypoglycemics -- Diuretics -- Antacids and gastrointestinal prokinetics -- Anticoagulants -- Antimicrobials -- Chemotherapeutic drugs -- Antiepileptic drugs -- Antiepileptic drugs -- Drugs used for treatment of parkinson disease -- Drug treatment of lipid disorders -- Central nervous system stimulants and muscle relaxants -- Vitamins, dietary supplements, and herbal remedies -- Minerals and electrolytes -- Blood components, substitutes and hemostatic drugs -- Enteral and parenteral nutrition -- Antiseptics and disinfectants -- Cell structure and function -- Body fluids -- Central nervous system -- Thermoregulation -- Autonomic nervous system -- Pain -- Systemic circulation -- Microcirculation and lymphatics -- Pulmonary circulation -- Heart -- The electrocardiogram and analysis of cardiac dysrhythmias -- The lungs -- Pulmonary gas exchange and blood transport of gases -- Acid-base balance -- Endocrine system -- Kidneys -- Liver and gastrointestinal tract -- Skeletal and smooth muscle -- Erythrocytes and leukocytes -- Hemostasis and blood coagulation -- Metabolism of nutrients -- Physiology of the newborn and elderly.
    內容註: Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of injected and inhaled drugs -- Inhaled anesthetics -- Opioid agonists and antagonists -- Barbiturates -- Benzodiazepines -- Nonbarbiturate intravenous anesthetic drugs -- Local anesthetics -- Neuromuscular-blocking drugs -- Anticholinesterase drugs and cholinergic agonists -- Anticholinergic drugs -- Cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitors and nonspecific nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs -- Sympathomimetics -- Digitalis and related drugs -- Alpha- and beta-adrenergic receptor antagonists -- Antihypertensive drugs -- Peripheral vasodilators, nitric oxide, and nitrovasodilators -- Cardiac antidysrhythmic drugs -- Calcium-channel blockers -- Drugs used for psychopharmacologic therapy -- Prostaglandins -- Histamine and histamine receptor-antagonists -- Serotonin, plasma kinins, and renin -- Hormones as drugs --
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