語系/ Language: 繁體中文

Radiology of the skull and brain
Potts, D. Gordon.


  • Radiology of the skull and brain
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-語言資料,印刷品 : 單行本
    合作者: Newton, Thomas H.
    合作者: Potts, D. Gordon.
    出版地: Saint Louis
    出版者: Mosby;
    出版年: 1971-<81>
    面頁冊數: <5> v. in <8>ill. : 29 cm.;
    標題: Head - radiography. -
    標題: Skull - radiography. -
    ISBN: 0801636469
    內容註: v. 1. The skull. 2 v. -- v. 2. Angiography. book 1. Technical aspects. book 2. Arteries. book 3. Veins. book 4. Specific diseases processes. 4 v. -- v. 3. Anatomy and pathology -- v. 4. Ventricles and cisterns -- v. 5. Technical aspects of computed tomography.
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