語系/ Language: 繁體中文

Raziel /
Douglas, Kristina.


  • Raziel /
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-語言資料,印刷品 : Monograph/item
    正題名/作者: Raziel // Kristina Douglas.
    作者: Douglas, Kristina.
    出版者: New York :Pocket Books, : 2011.,
    版本: 1st Pocket Books pbk. ed.
    面頁冊數: 355 p. ;18 cm.;
    附註: "Pocket Books paranormal romance"--Spine.
    提要註: "'You're dead' is so not what Allie Watson wants to hear. Unfortunately, it explains a lot. Like the dark, angelically handsome man who ferried her to this strange, hidden land. The last thing she remembers is stepping off a curb in front of a crosstown bus. Now she's surrounded by gorgeous fallen angels with an unsettling taste for blood--and they really don't want her around. Not exactly how she pictured heaven. Raziel is unsure why he rescued Allie from hellfire against Uriel's orders, but she stirs in him a longing he hasn't felt in centuries. Now the Fallen are bracing for the divine wrath brought by his disobedience, and they blame Allie for the ferocious Nephilim clawing at the kingdom's shrouded gates. Facing impossible odds at every turn, the two must work together to survive. Raziel will do anything to defend his spirited lover against the forces of darkness--because Allie may be the Fallen's only salvation."--P. [4] of cover.
    標題: Angels -
    ISBN: 1439191921 (pbk.) :
  • 1 筆 • 頁數 1 •
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  • 1 筆 • 頁數 1 •
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