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Works: 23 works in 23 publications in 1 languages
圖說資治通鑑 = The vernacular Zizhi Tongjian by: 通鑑文化 (Language materials, printed) , [編輯製作]
神祕古文明 by: 通鑑文化 (Language materials, printed) , [編輯製作]
世界之最 = Top of the world by: 通鑑文化; 曾麒穎 (Language materials, printed) , [編輯製作]
中國歷史懸案 = Great mysteries of China history by: 通鑑文化 (Language materials, printed) , [製作]
釋迦牟尼故事 = Stories of sakyamuni by: 釋迦牟尼 ((Gautama Buddha, 560-480 B.C.)); 通鑑文化 (Language materials, printed) , [編輯製作]
文明的1000張臉孔 = The history of world civilization. 世界文明卷 by: 通鑑文化 (Language materials, printed) , [編輯製作]
中國宮廷祕史 = Anecdotes from the Chinese imperial courts by: 通鑑文化 (Language materials, printed) , [編輯製作]
世界之最 = Top of the world by: 通鑑文化 (Language materials, printed) , [編輯製作]
改變中國歷史的戰役 = Five thousand years of Chinese military stories by: 通鑑文化 (Language materials, printed) , [製作]
世界神祕現象 = Mysterious phenomenon of the world by: 曾麒穎; 通鑑文化 (Language materials, printed) , [編輯製作]
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